Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Four things Ireland doesn’t really need at the moment

    (Or four items I saw on the web today and decided to link to in lieu of writing something interesting.)1. A new �3,000-a-night luxury hotel, which will replace useless trees and stuff.2. An RTE dram
  • First he takes down Mother Teresa, now he brings down…

    Cindy Sheehan, mother of the US Army Specialist killed in Iraq last year and currently camped outside President Bush’s Crawford retreat demanding a face-to-face meeting. Yes, it’s Christop
  • False signifiers and other smut.

    Private Eye magazine honours the venerable English tradition of being suspicious of anything that has a whiff of intellectualism by having a section known as “Pseuds Corner“–a ragbag
  • A worrying trend

    David McWilliams is one of the best columnists working in Irish journalism (admittedly the competition isn’t that intense). In today’s Sunday Business Post, he examines the reasons behind
  • He’ll regret saying that…

    It’s the 10th anniversary of that squib of a musical revolution, Britpop. The Guardian has an interview with some of the players from the time and it includes this rather precious exchange:̶
  • Thursday viewing

    If you live in Ireland or Britain and are planning your TV viewing this evening, I recommend that rather than looking at Ricky Gervais’s rather flat Extras, you catch ex-CIA Robert Baer’s
  • Making art with a joystick

    In keeping with my less-than-frenetic pace of blogging during the summer months (I have a life, you know), I’m just getting around to drawing your attention to an interesting piece in last Sunda
  • China’s Model for the Future–Japan or Brazil?

    Soon after the fall of Baghdad or maybe it was around the time President Bush landed on the USS Abraham Lincoln with the banner “Mission Accomplished” looming over the flight deck, I liste
  • The solution to all our problems

    According to her op-ed piece in the Guardian, Lionel Shriver–author of We Need To Talk About Kevin (see interview in ThreeMonkeysOnline)–lived in Belfast for 12 years. She uses this backgr