Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Slightly funny, slightly pathetic

    Much as I inexplicably loath the entire Harry Potter phenomenon, I think the actions of this guy are a little excessive. Indeed, in some ways his behavior is as anorakish as those he annoys the hell o
  • Essential reading…

    To busy/lazy to provide the usual verbosity. Instead, I merely offer a link to a document that will be/should be discussed a lot over the next few days: The Iraq Body Count’s “A Dossier of
  • Just one thing…

    In the wake of the London bombings, I’ve been wondering why the “respectable” political class (i.e. MPs who are not George Galloway) has been so emphatic about the absence of any lin
  • History Lessons – Italian reaction to the London bombings

    The Lega Nord, in the person of headline-hungry Roberto Calderoli, have reacted to Thursday’s bombing in London with a proposal to introduce a motion in Parliament effectively declaring a state
  • Clones, pornography, and the death of love

    I’ve been meaning to giving a nod to this entertaining article in LA Weekly describing Michel Houellebecq’s alcohol-fuelled sojourn in southern California. Among other things, it reveals t
  • Pop goes feudal – Live 8

    There’s one* fundamental problem with Live 8. It’s not, as some seasoned (and ever so slightly embittered) activists would have you believe, the use of celebrity to spotlight the issues of
  • As promised….

    …the interview with John Banville is now available here.
  • Lost Prophets – Start Something

    Rock/Metal from Wales. Hyped as the next big thing Stateside.
  • The Frames – Set List

    The Frames are one of Ireland's most loved, and succesful bands on a national level. This live album was recorded partly because of a demand from their Irish fans, and partly as a handy introduction f