Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Jack Gladney’s lengthening reading list

    In the bookshop the other day I saw a book called Hitler’s Piano Player. While I don’t doubt that the book is well researched etc., the title alone seemed like an unintentional satirical j
  • Cooking the books – Pope John Paul II's funeral, Catholic numbers, and moral legislation.

    Flying back to Bologna, after a week in Ireland, the day before Pope John Paul II's funeral, I expected to be packed tight alongside pilgrims en-route to the Eternal City. I was, and I wasn'
  • Cooking the books – Pope John Paul II’s funeral, Catholic numbers, and moral legislation.

    Flying back to Bologna, after a week in Ireland, the day before Pope John Paul II’s funeral, I expected to be packed tight alongside pilgrims en-route to the Eternal City. I was, and I wasn̵
  • Who’s better, who’s best?

    An article about the Chinese labour force, of all things, has not just made me further question the ambiguous legacy of John Paul II but the whole relationship between “goodness” on the in
  • The mirror’s backing

    Twenty minutes ago I saw the headline “Author Saul Bellow Dies at 89.” Paradoxically, his age and the length of his career* made his demise all the more startling–he seemed like such
  • Books to furnish a room

    In case you feel your accommodation lacks that dignified whiff of slowly decaying paper, the following event in Dublin may answer your needs: Trinity Secondhand BooksaleThe 16th Trinity Secondhand Boo
  • Two out of two

    Marilynne Robinson isn’t exactly a prolific author. Since 1981 she’s published four books: two novels, a book of nonfiction on the nuclear industry in the UK, and a collection of essays. H
  • A different courage?

    The extensive, some might say endless, coverage of the Pope’s passing has focused on the fortitude of the man facing pain and death. These discussions of the Pontiff’s suffering usually in
  • Like lightening lightning (even)

    Way back in the mists of time (December 2004 actually), I was using this very space to bitch about the Department of Transport for failing to reply to a blustering e-mail I had sent two weeks previous