Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • A returnee’s reflections

    It’s not the most original of behaviours for a visitor just returned from Italy to trill arias of enthusiasm for the lifestyle of the peninsula. However, what struck me, despite my friend (who a
  • Software’s G

    I was hoping to post the following (very) roundabout appreciation of Updike’s latest novel a few days ago, but I’ve been kinda busy the last few days clearing the decks before tomorrowR
  • Ukraine on the Tiber. Alessandra Mussolini's hunger strike for Italian Democracy.

    I've always said that bipolarism is dangerous and the absolute majority anti-democratic. We irritate them. We've created a short-circuit
    A.Mussolini, 15.03.2005 The Mussolin
  • Ukraine on the Tiber. Alessandra Mussolini’s hunger strike for Italian Democracy.

    I’ve always said that bipolarism is dangerous and the absolute majority anti-democratic. We irritate them. We’ve created a short-circuit A.Mussolini, 15.03.2005 The Mussolini in question,
  • Thanks Mr Mitchell

    I had the chance to interview David Mitchell, author of Cloud Atlas, yesterday. Despite the fact by this stage he’s probably sick to the back teeth of talking about his novel (this very entertai
  • Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

    It seems President Bush is living up to his promise to spend the “political capital” he believed he earned by winning last November’s election. Today’s New York Times reported
  • The PC gesture

    The following comment was received in response to last week’s post:Knowing that this particular blogger is not preoccupied with political correctness, I’m curious as to why he decided to a
  • After the Empire–part 2

    Did I somehow imply that I would resume my argument contra Todd on Friday? I meant Sunday�Friday was not a convenient day for critiquing the Weltanschauung of a leading French intellectual.To recap:
  • Lies, Damned Lies, and Trigger Happy Allies. Giuliana Sgrena's Release.

    American soldiers killed Italian secret service agent Nicola Calipari. That much is fact. While transporting released Italian hostage, Giuliana Sgrena, to the airport outside Baghdad, the car in which