Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Trying Times in Darfur and the Establishment of International Criminal Law – a PINR report.

    The United States has been accused of obstructing justice by refusing to endorse the legal procedures recommended by a recent United Nations report on the humanitarian situation in Sudan’s Darfu
  • After the Flood – Aid, Conflict, and the political Future of Aceh

    &ldquoThis was an event like an apocalypse – says American jounalist William Nessen, describing accounts of the Tsunami given to him by local people in Aceh, Indonesia – Many people t
  • God moves in mysterious ways…

    Nervous times for non-believers are here, as the press and media in Italy go into a mystical overdrive inspired by the death of Sr. Lucia of Fatima fame; the death of Don Luigi Giussani, the founder o
  • The electronic cornucopia

    The new issue of ThreeMonkeysOnline is available just a click away. Plenty of substantial pieces, including interviews with Jim Crace, author of titles such as Quarantine, Being Dead and Six; Asne Sei
  • Never Let Me Go – Kazuo Ishiguro

    Ishiguro's story of love, loss and hidden truths, reviewed by Shane Barry, is a flawed but consistently unsettling work.
  • SuperInda

    Well, after I put the boot into Enda Kenny on Friday, the guy goes and proves himself to be a regular hero, pulling a woman from a minibus just before the vehicle rolled down an embankment. And he dec
  • More to follow

    I hope to add a lenghthyish post later on this week–I’ve just finished Emmanuel Todd’s After the Empire, which I found interesting and infuriating in equal measure. I’ll explai
  • Indaspeak

    I suppose that the Northern Bank robbery and the subsequent investigation into money laundering has become such a major crisis for Sinn F�in for three reasons. First, and probably least important, w
  • Because he’s made so many sacrifices…

    Headline from the RTE website:Bono included on Nobel Prize list?