Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Walking the walk

    I’ve been meaning to post this for a number of days but the humdrum business of looking for a new job occasionally gets in the way of the far more important task of blogging.A friend of mine, Jo
  • Off the hook (again)

    More depressing news from the sometimes shameless realm of Irish public life: RTE has just reported that “The Standards in Public Office Commission has decided not to investigate the awarding of
  • Grisham's The Broker, Bologna, and rendition flights.

    Bologna is basking in the glow of attention afforded by American writer John Grisham, who has chosen to ambient most of his latest novel The Broker in its medieval city centre. The story rev
  • Grisham’s The Broker, Bologna, and rendition flights.

    Bologna is basking in the glow of attention afforded by American writer John Grisham, who has chosen to ambient most of his latest novel The Broker in its medieval city centre. The story revolves arou
  • A tale of two chancers

    Friday’s Irish Times’s article on Irish bloggers (which inexplicably failed to namecheck yours truly) took the community to task for focusing on international matters–frequently US f
  • He were worryin’ my sheep!

    From Friday’s Breaking News section of Ireland.com16:26 Plans to shoot Lassie in Ireland announced
  • Big Brother’s Telescope

    Many of you might have come across the remarkable 2.5 gigapixel photo (see here) created by the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research that allows you to zoom right up to the modern
  • Pass the sickbag

    Koren Zailckas has written a memoir, Smashed, about her drinking experiences and her eventual renunciation of the bottle. The only surprising thing is that Zalickas penned this tale at the tender age
  • Newspaper clippings

    I might have given Colm T�ib�n�s novel, The Master, a bit of an uncalled-for kicking the other day, but I have to admit that his waspish criticism is very much worth reading. He seems to have a