Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • The Roman Salute

    As he guided Lazio to a conclusive victory over hated Roman rivals Roma, Paolo di Canio couldn’t resist celebrating by racing over to the Lazio Ultras and saluting them, with his right arm stret
  • L’impensabile

    When the smoking ban in enclosed places was introduced in Ireland, many remarked that such a prohibition would never even be mooted in Southern Europe, with its bars and cafes perpetually wreathed in
  • Latitude and the Law – the smoking ban comes into effect in Italy

    And so, after much talk (it's been proposed on and off for years), Italy has followed Ireland's example and banned smoking in public places. As of today Italy's bars and restaurants, as well as workpl
  • A reason to be a liberal

    American radio isn’t all shockjocks and foaming-at-the-mouth evangelicals–National Public Radio (NPR) is sort of like an American version of BBC Radio 4, which makes it an object of fear-a
  • La Bella Figura – a form of respect.

    Berlusconi continues to blaze a trail in maverick thinking, inspiring awe and confusion in all he encounters. In his end of year press conference he was asked about this year’s “Lifting
  • Three points

    Here are three things, tenuously connected, I’d like to mention today:*Contrary to previously expressed hopes that the Indian Ocean disaster might encourage a new generation of sceptics, this Wa
  • Where’s an 18th-century French aristocrat when you need him?

    To that appalling spectacle of woe,Will ye reply: �You do but illustrateThe iron laws that chain the will of God�?Say ye, o�er that yet quivering mass of flesh:�God is avenged: the wage of sin
  • Spaghetti alle vongole (Spaghetti with clams)

    What you need (for 2 people): 50 gr clams 1 clove of garlic1 scarce teaspoon dried crumbled chilli pepper olive oil1 bunch of fresh parsley leaves 1 slug dry white wine 200 gr. spaghetti Salt and pepp
  • Potato puree – Three Monkeys’ style

    My step-father always makes such a big deal on Christmas Eve with the potato puree – he is the appointed cook every year and normally starts the preparations hours before dinner – when we