Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • New Year’s Eve

    New Year’s Eve celebrations across Italy are being hastily changed, from traditional noisy and riotous affairs to quiet vigil like ceremonies, to show respect for the victims of the South East A
  • A more innocent time

    In those happy years before background checks and random drug tests become the norm, the ranks of store Santas in the US came from a far richer and diverse cross-section of humanity. At least if the e
  • An Invitation to Beta Test!

    In the great software development tradition of asking Joe Public to help out for free, I’m asking anybody who might be interested to check out a modest app I’ve developed. Mainly created t
  • The meek shall pay the Earth

    In his column in yesterday’s Sunday Business Post, David McWilliams convincingly restates why the toll bridge on the M50 is perhaps the crowning glory of “rip-off Ireland.” Many peop
  • McEwan’s Saturday

    Although the web version of the New Yorker does not appear to mention it, the Ian McEwan short story “The Diagnosis”, which appears in this week’s issue, is almost certainly the open
  • Pop Quiz

    Europeans never miss an opportunity to mock Americans’ grasp of geography; we chortle with glee when some poor hick stopped in the street points to west Africa when asked the location of Iraq. (
  • Mama, the Turks! European integration and the burden of history.

    On the day that the European Parliament debated the opening of accession negotiations with Turkey, parliamentary party members of the Lega Nord unfurled a banner in the Italian parliament which read &
  • Time’s Arrow

    A propos of nothing in particular, I offer this link to a fascinating record of a family’s birth, growth, and maturation. You can find out more about the Argentinean photojournalist behind the p
  • Per Ardua ad Astra

    The competition to become the first Irish person in space is becoming ever more bemusing. First, Bill Cullen, professional self-made man and memorialist of Dublin in the rare ole times (see here for h