Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Dead cool smokers

    In the wake of the smoking ban in Ireland, many pubs in Dublin now feature outdoor ashtrays, shaped like boxes and clamped to a wall. Advertisers, aware of the eyes of a captive market, have started p
  • The fate of poetry (and other urgent issues)

    With all the enthusiasm (you suspect) of a child swallowing boiled broccoli, Sunday’s New York Times Book Review presented a high-minded Poetry Symposium* in which various poets handled the unen
  • The Nine-Word Epic

    I came across this site via the splinters blog: espressostories. According to the text on the somewhat rebarbatively designed site, it provides stories that follow the “basic rule…that the
  • Barry’s law

    After poring over the kilos of newsprint lugged into the house over the weekend, I think I could draw a graph that proves the equation that the number of newspapers you buy is inversely proportional t
  • Celtic Karma. Tot

    Let’s be clear: it was out of wounded national pride, the most motivating of human/simian emotions, that I watched the final of Italy’s terrible ‘reality’ show L’isola de
  • Blowing the trumpet

    This month’s issue of threemonkeysonline should make some professional journos tug their collars with unease. After all, with an interview with one of the filmmakers behind the documentary The C
  • Put out the bunting

    A report (registration required) in the LA Times from November 15 provides details on the destruction wrought in Falluja (the LA Times spells it ‘FALLOUJA’–if the insurgency lasts mu
  • Hold on to your hats!

    RTE is promoting the snappily titled “Fair City Civil Action Special” on its website. Always slow to jump on the bandwagon, our indigenous soap opera has finally decided to exploit the iss
  • Airbrushing the news. A change in Direction for Berlusconi's Mediaset.

    It's scarcely mentioned outside of Italy that there are actually some fine journalists working for Silvio Berlusconi's Mediaset. Under the directorship of Enrico Mentana, the news broadcasts of Can