Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Airbrushing the news. A change in Direction for Berlusconi’s Mediaset.

    It’s scarcely mentioned outside of Italy that there are actually some fine journalists working for Silvio Berlusconi’s Mediaset. Under the directorship of Enrico Mentana, the news broadcas
  • They have a dream

    Travelling into work the other day, during a break in “Morning Ireland”, I heard a sequence of clips of famous Americans giving famous quotes. There was Kennedy’s “Ask not what
  • The canaries in the coal mine?

    Today’s New York Times reports that New York neighbourhoods in the Bronx, Yonkers, and Queens that have traditionally been home to Irish immigrants are seeing both naturalised citizens and illeg
  • The safety valve

    One of the (few?) advantages of maintaining a blog is that it prevents you from indulging in that most futile of bourgeois literary exercises: writing letters to the editor. Two pieces in this weekend
  • Well, what did you expect?

    My post-colonial hackles are bristling again. This time the offender is the toxic AA Gill. In yesterday’s Sunday Times he reviewed some new gardening show co-hosted by Diarmuid Gavin:Diarmuid is
  • Slow Learners? The Italian reaction to the US Presidential Election

    While commentators in America are still analysing what exactly went wrong with the Kerry campaign, or indeed what went right with the Bush campaign, most politicians here have opted for the cautious a
  • No more Noir

    It seems concerns about “moral values” are even seeping into “old Europe.” A report that appeared in Le Monde a few days ago detailed a bit of moral outrage over the resting pl
  • Compare and contrast

    The concession speech by John Kerry and the victory address by President Bush brought home what was lost to America, and indeed the rest of the globe, yesterday. I’m biased (who isn’t), bu
  • WWJD?

    In the wake of Bush’s gobsmacking victory, the insight de jour is that voters (or rather slightly more than 50% of them) ignored the quagmire in Iraq, the unsustainable economic situation, and t