Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • A hint for expectant fathers

    It’s been a while since my last post–small matters such as the birth of my son and being the best man at a friend’s wedding have distracted me from the urgent task of broadcasting my
  • Right on the money (again)

    Well, once again my blithe predictions return to haunt me. Alan Hollinghurst has in fact won this year’s Booker prize–actually the only novel on the list that I’ve read so far. To bl
  • Snowball, chance, and hell

    I’ve just received Gerard Woodword’s “I’ll Go to Bed at Noon” in the post. Just what I need after AL Kennedy’s Paradise: another book about dysfunctional boozehound
  • Paradise Lost

    I’m within 80 pages of the end of AL Kennedy’s Paradise, a novel narrated by Hannah Luckraft (a name that mingles hope with a presentiment of shipwreck), an alcoholic Scottish woman involv
  • Fighting Fundamentalism. The sad case of Rocco Buttiglione.

    “Fight the Taliban in Brussels” the giant poster urged, in the grounds of the Catholic University of Milan, in reaction to the Rocco Buttiglione case that dominated the headlines this week
  • Derrida defended

    In yesterday’s New York Times, Mark C. Taylor mounts a robust defense of Derrida, going as far to claim that:”Along with Ludwig Wittgenstein and Martin Heidegger, Jacques Derrida, who died
  • Derrida deferred

    I was struck more forcibly than I expected when I came across the headline in the New York Times: “Jacques Derrida, Abstruse Theorist, Dies at 74“. The adjective bestowed on the deceased s
  • From Dún Síon to Croke Park – the autobiography of Micheál Ó’Muircheartaigh

    Autobiography of Ireland's favourite sports commentator, the voice of Gaelic Games, Micheál Ó’Muircheartaigh.
  • NYT on Jelinek

    The New York Times calls Jelinek a “Fiery Austrian Writer” (reg required). Is the adjective “fiery” exclusively reserved for “difficult” females?