Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Litblog’s weekly tweets –

    A French university brings Stendhal’s manuscripts into the digital age. -IC RT @bookbench # Tales in a time of turmoil – the Irish Times books of 2009 list
  • Why Are We In Vietnam?

    While the barman was ejecting some difficult guests last night someone switched channels on the TV above the bar to a news show. The sound was on. They were talking about Afghanistan. It seems that Ba
  • Litblog’s weekly tweets –

    Damn – would love to see Geoff Dyer and Talvin Singh tomorrow. If you’re in London check it out: # How Thomas Hardy Expressed His Doubt – #
  • EU News

    Newspaper editors everywhere are gnashing their teeth to find that two politicians have been put in charge of being called president and minister (or special envoy or whatever) for foreign affairs of
  • Public Health – Private Profit

    The (TV) media in Poland has been getting very exercised about the A1HN1 flu lately. It’s running wild in Ukraine. The government here hasn’t bought enough vaccination shots. Somebody died in Pozn
  • Hey Kidz! Here’s Fun!

    You know you’re getting old when something like this not only fails to move you but leaves you baffled, wondering why on earth anyone would want to subject themselves to it. Today’s Gazeta Wyborcz
  • Litblog’s weekly tweets –

    Chanced upon an interesting review of Anne Enright’s ‘The Gathering’ # Hearing good things about David Vann’s ‘Legend of a suicide’ http://bit.l
  • Violent Scenes at Fitzgibbon Street

    Dublin, Ireland There were violent scenes at Fitzgibbon Street this morning as members of the public forcibly ejected the gardai who had been staging a sit-in occupation in direct contravention of a H
  • Garda Siochana ignore order to end sit-in

    Dublin, Ireland Former gardai staging a sit-in occupation at the force’s Fitzgibbon Street station may risk prison after deciding to defy a High Court order to vacate the building. Mr Justice Michae