Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Litblog’s weekly tweets –

    Stumbled upon a great interview with @mj_hyland over at vulpes libris # Julian Barnes on Guy de Maupassant (in the LRB) # rt @serpentstail giving away 5 copies
  • Litblog’s weekly tweets –

    Julian Barnes on John Updikes Rabbit Quartet Now re-published by Everyman RT @blhupdates # Amos Oz’s ‘Rhyming Life and death’ reviewed as part of
  • I Fell For It In Battle

    It looks like I took a bullet for the team. That quarter-page ad for a college that guaranteed an MA degree in two years was a cunning Gazeta Wyborcza hoax. They say the interest generated by the ad w
  • Today in the Trenches – dispatches from the war on free education

    Gazeta Wyborcza sent in the foreign legion today in a lack lustre affair which could hardly be described as a decisive victory. They found a handful of obliging foreign students to complain about Pola
  • It’s War

    Gazeta Wyborcza launched its latest offensive – and it is often quite offensive – on Polish lecturers on Monday, Oct 19th in the year of Our Lord 2009 with a big splash on the results of a survey
  • Baton charges and kettling: the public’s police-crowd control tactics under fire

    • Methods infringed civil liberties, say police • Only hardcore agitators were targeted, people insist Citizen tactics of containing thousands of police for several hours at the protests in front
  • Sport

    Enough of scandals, I say. Let’s take a “time-out” to have a look at the “beautiful game.” From my seat last night in the pub I could just see – over the tops of the heads of the drunks an
  • Attention to Detail (Kuczok), Initiations and France thorugh the Polish Looking Glass

    In “Żebry Adama,” (Adam’s Begging) the first story in Wojciech Kuczok’s Widmokrąg (widmo – ghost; krąg – circle; widnokrąg – horizon), a naked beggar catches hold of the narrator and
  • Heads Roll

    I still don’t think it’s a scandal but since it has driven everything (even Roman Polański) off the TV screens, here’s some more about the Zbig Chlebowski affair (see here), going mainly on Rob