Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • An Irish Balcerowicz

    Leszek Balcerowicz, Polish economic guru, is nothing if not dependable. No matter what the question, the answer is always to liberalise, deregulate etc. etc. I was reminded of him by today’s pie
  • Follow Up

    Three years ago I wrote briefly about high-flying academics working in Ireland who were being given extemely generous salaries in order to prevent them from emigrating from badly depressed, going-nowh
  • Investing in Yourself (II)

    A delve into the archives has turned up the following job advertisement in a US periodical from 50 years ago. It says more about “human capital” and the real reasons behind encouraging peo
  • Litblog’s weekly tweets –

    publishers don’t like short stories unless they are VERY high concept, or by someone very strange, famous or Indian # using poetry to sell cars – the Ford Faberge’ th
  • Frequent Flyer – A Camp

    Now that concerns Nina Persson’s A Camp project would only be a once-off novelty have been somewhat satisfied by this year’s Colonia, 2001’s self-titled debut is worth spinning again
  • What’s News (II)

    Amazingly, Jordan and Peter Andre are still news in Britain and Ireland! The celebrity pond in Poland is pathetically small but it comes as a surprise to find the UK’s is no bigger.
  • Litblog’s weekly tweets –

    Should the laws of physics apply? Oyeyemi’s White is for Witching # Flightpaths – a networked novel # Ruth Dudley Edwards takes Banville to
  • Should the laws of physics apply? Helen Oyeyemi’s White is for Witching

    Should the laws of physics apply to a novel? There are readers who,  not without reason, demand that yes, the laws of gravity, and thermodynamics must apply at all times if the work is to be taken se
  • Litblog’s weekly tweets –

    RT @tweetmeme Cal – Bernard McLaverty | Is there a book in this blog? # “it’s so serious, it’s so morally weighted that it could kill a novel”. Ian Mc