Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Fup – a modern fable by Jim Dodge

    There was virtually nothing I liked about Jim Dodge’s Fup when it arrived at my door. A blurb from the Independent on Sunday telling me ‘You’ll love it’, coupled with the sub-t
  • Litblog’s weekly tweets –

    Fragments shored against my ruin: @harmlessfraud takes a look at Sebastian Barry’s The Secret Scripture # Censoring an Iranian Love Story # Ha Jin talks
  • What’s News

    After the revelations about the government’s plans to privatise higher education there was a storm of debate on the pages of Gazeta Wyborcza – no, not about education, about something called the H
  • Litblog’s weekly tweets –

    – Metempsychosis, he said, frowning. It’s Greek: from the Greek. That means the transmigration of souls. # – O, rocks! she said. Tell us in plain words. # 9:15AM; “Kingstown pi
  • More visions of Italy – Deirdre Madden’s ‘Remembering Light and Stone’

    It’s June, so breaking a New Year’s resolution I return again to blog briefly about a book that I’ve just started – Deirdre Madden’s Remembering Light and Stone. I couldn
  • Going, going…

    Yesterday Gazeta Wyborcza announced plans by the government to stop paying for students to do two degrees – one’s your limit. Today’s paper lets the cat well and truly out of the bag. There’s
  • Litblog’s weekly tweets –

    Samuel Beckett’s Postmodern Fictions – an essay by Brian Finney # Sean O’Casey – Portrait of the Artist as an Outsider # Dublin author Tr
  • Litblog’s weekly tweets –

    Kate Atkinson would, money permitting, prefer to write and not be published # Stuart Evers is allergic to AS Byatt # Revisioning ‘The Great Gatsby’
  • Gordon Brown could do with the Berlusconi touch

    Poor Gordon Brown – he must look with no small amount of envy across Europe to Italy, where Silvio Berlusconi looks set to romp home in this weekend’s European Election vote with his Popol