Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Michel Houellebecq’s Platform

    “If the general climate is bad, all will be affected by it. Men and women of letters are not expected to do more than they can, as they express this bad situation in their literary production. W
  • Shares Up

    The strapline on the TV over the bar last night had some exciting news. Through the fumes of pure alcohol rising in wavy lines from the gin-soaked counter I made out the words “US stock market rises
  • Life on Credit

    One of the banks was kind enough to post a flyer to me advertising their credit card. On one side is written the benefits of using a credit card. Life is too short to read that but the other side has
  • You said something – PJ Harvey

    This waltzing photograph of a song is hard to resist. Listening to it you’re brought in front of a scene pregnant with possibilities, and left to your own devices to make sense of it. The settin
  • Politics Gets More Interesting (II)

    Andrzej Czuma, the new minister for justice here, did not just leave angry creditors behind him in the US. He also tangled with the courts in a number of car accidents. Not to be outdone, the chief of
  • Paul Auster’s Man in the Dark

    Sometimes I wish that, when buying a book in a book store, you were automatically given a complimentary title – that is to say, a book that will help you read the one you’ve just bought, a
  • Shake The Devil – Antony and the Johnsons

    Slouched hidden beside a fire-exit, Antony Hegarty looked neither courageous or a star, clutching his notebook and looking nervous as he waited for his driver to arrive. This was back in 2005, backsta
  • Freudian Slip

    Well, perhaps the Times Online misquoted him: ‘Dermot Ahern, the [Irish] Justice Minister, said: “Legislation is in place to bring to justice those who may have played hard and fast with the f
  • The Devil in Miss Jones – Something Happens

    Amongst the many half-baked explanations for Dublin band Something Happens’ inexplicable lack of global success, back in 1990, with the superb Stuck Together With God’s Glue is one that fo