Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Back to Life – Giovanni Allevi

    There’s an oldish interview with Glen Hansard (the frames / swell season) in TMO, where he talks about poetry, saying “Poetry stirs the blood. Poetry makes men go to war. If you listen to
  • Oliver James – The Fleet Foxes

    Why do we sing? Why do we force air out of our lungs, crafted by muscles along the way in to song? The prime evolutionary argument tells us that it’s something to do with getting it on – �
  • Thin Lizzy – Brought Down

    The anniversary of Phil Lynott’s death is a strange one, in that it already has a clear and established mythology and ritual associated with it; one  set out by the singer himself. In the song
  • The mafia go online – Facebook still in the firing line

    Facebook gets more free publicity as the debate rages around the company’s decision to enforce strict guidlines regarding what can and can’t be shown in breastfeeding photos posted by user
  • The antinomy of ideology. Protesting in London for Gaza

    A freezing London afternoon, one of those when you think you should not get out of bed. But outside London is moving, people from all over the country are gathering at Speakers’ Corner. It’
  • Seven Songs that made my day in 2008 (clovis)

    2008 has – like most years – been full of ups and downs. I’m suspicious of the end of year critics who proclaim it to have been either a vintage or meagre year for music. The tunes a
  • My (7) best of tunes from 2008 (Andy Lawless)

    It’s harder than you might think, choosing seven songs that in one way or another stamped themselves indelibly on your year. Far easier would be a round up of albums (which would certainly inclu
  • The Lottery (continued)

    A few days after I got warned by the government that I had to choose a pension fund or let the randomised computer choose for me (see last post) I got a letter (no stamp, but my name was on it) inviti
  • What 2008 Meant For Me

      Although I claim to be a holier than thou leftie, there are some conservative impulses I just can’t budge, one of them being a rather straightforward, no-frills list of 7 songs which encapsul