Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Ireland’s Lisbon trauma continues… with no end in sight

    The recent state visit to Ireland by Czech President Vaclav Klaus constituted a remarkable deviation from European diplomatic norms when the irascible old Thatcherite cocked a snoop at Brian Cowen’s
  • Facebook in the firing line

    Matteo Salvini, the outspoken Lega Nord MP and activist (is there any other sort of Lega Nord MP?), has thundered indignantly about censorship to the national press. The reason? His facebook account h
  • Johore Sports Club – Muzik Tarian Malaysia

    Gathered in a studio simply as a functional exercise is the first plus here. Muzik Tarian Malaysia are bunch of borderline nomads of whom no-one expects to spend 8 months under the thumb of some metr
  • Ciaran Carson Shamrock tea

    Ciaran Carson’s Shamrock Tea

    You probably wouldn’t pick one of Northern Ireland’s best known poets, academic – and traditional music enthusiast to boot – to be the novelist to have translated the spirit of
  • Dioxins in Irish Pork

    Apropos of nothing really, except that there are dioxins in Irish pork, which Poles have been known to eat. On state newscaster’s website there is a FAQ list, from which I note that “sauces with p
  • Be afraid – Berlusconi's plans for the internet

    In the same week that Berlusconi’s much contested minister for education, Mariastella Gelmini, took a leaf out of Obama’s book and created a youtube channel to address students directly*,
  • Critical Mass counter the Bologna Motor Show

    Every December one of the most important car shows in Italy – and perhaps Europe – takes place in Bologna. For two weeks the city’s transport system is put under ever-more pressure a
  • Many Happy Returns

    4th Estate celebrate their 25th birthday this year, and to mark it have produced a very nice film which reminds you of many of the great books they’ve published This Is Where We Live from 4th Es
  • Vladimir Luxuria and the lure of the TV screen

    Last week, seemingly against the odds, Vladimir Luxuria won the Italian reality-tv game show L’Isola dei Famosi (a type of ‘I’m a celebrity, get me out of here’). What makes he