Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Polish Absurd – A Quickie

    Flicking around the TV channels in a friend’s house last night
  • Kurski Again

    PiS deputy Jacek Kurski has been forced by the courts to apologise to Agora,
  • Bologna Towers

    Bologna’s Asinelli & Garisenda Towers

    The Asinelli and Garisenda towers (Torre degli Asinelli & Torre delle Garisenda), marking the heart of medieval Bologna, are just two of a number of towers remaining from the middle ages dotted ar
  • Bologna’s Ducati Museum

    Guide to The Ducati Museum – Bologna Were Emilia-Romagna to declare independence from Italy in the morning, in one fell swoop Italy would lose the vast majority of its luxury car and motorcycle
  • That No Vote

    The view from Gdańsk of the Lisbon aftermath is not too different from that in Bologna
  • Juventus and the Lisbon Treaty

    It was inevitable that, sooner or later, someone in the Italian press/blogosphere would link Euro 2008 and the recent rejection of the Lisbon Treaty by the Irish electorate. Giordano Bruno Guerri, sel
  • Northern Lad – Tori Amos

    An unusual choice, perhaps, given that it’s probably not the strongest song on an album – from the choirgirl hotel – which is arguably not Tori Amos’s strongest, even though it
  • Every cloud – Italian reaction to the Irish rejection of the Lisbon Treaty

    Tough talk, characterised most often by the phrase ‘amarezza‘ (bitterness) from Italy’s leading politicians following the news of Ireland’s ‘no’ vote to the Lisbon
  • France Mobilises Troops

    As it became apparent today that Irish voters had rejected the Lisbon treaty, France mobilised its army preparatory to invading the recalcitrant island.