Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • The left lose Rome

    Rosa Luxembourg, the Polish-German socialist famously theorised ‘you lose, you lose, you lose, you win’, and that will be of a certain consolation to Walter Veltroni, the first leader of t
  • Acting

    Sunday night and off with me to the theatre for some art. “Art,” as far as I can tell from the Polish theatre, means never saying. Shouting, sobbing, laughing (never for any apparent reason), whis
  • Right or wrong, surely it's news???

    On Friday, the 25th of April (liberation day), an estimated two million people gathered in over 40 cities in Italy to protest about the state of journalism (print and television) in Italy. Over 500,00
  • Right or wrong, surely it’s news???

    On Friday, the 25th of April (liberation day), an estimated two million people gathered in over 40 cities in Italy to protest about the state of journalism (print and television) in Italy. Over 500,00
  • Remembering the 25th of April

    Today is a national holiday in Italy, though not one that everybody celebrates. The 25th of April comemorates the liberation of the country from the Nazi occupying forces, and from the Fascist rump go
  • Maybe that explains it

    There’s been widespread news coverage in Italy regarding the recent decision in Canada to ban polycarbonate baby bottles containing bisphenol-a, a chemical that has been linked to hormonal chang
  • Allegories

    Adam Hochschild, in his 1994 New York Review of Books review of Ryszard Kapuściński’s Imperium, writes (this is a back-translation from the Polish) “His latest book is less fantasmagorical than
  • Walter knows his chickens

    So the post-mortem sets in, with the ‘extreme’* left wiped out in this election. They’re blaming the ‘moderate’ PDs, who were undoubtedly the main challengers to Berlusco
  • The environment wins, with Super Silvio

    Tree huggers, eco-warriors, and stuffy scientists pushing for aviation taxes were all celebrating last night at the news that Silvio Berlusconi and his right-of-centre party the Pdl had won a landslid