Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Globalisation and the price of the vote

    All the major parties have stressed, during this election campaign, that Italy faces huge challenges ushered in by globalisation. The way to confront this differs, depending upon your political persua
  • Gay marriage – the right solution

    Amongst other thorny issues largely ignored by the two major parties competing in this weekend’s general election is gay marriage. Veltroni and Berlusconi have studiously avoided being drawn int
  • Intelligentsia II

    Last year I saw Michael Glawogger’s documentary Workingman’s Death and it occurred to me to wonder what was the toughest of all professions. Mining coal? Looking after the terminally ill? Smelting
  • Good News

    “Poles can pay less” is the cheering headline in April 4th’s Gazeta Wyborcza. This storyette, tucked away in the boring old business section, is about how a Polish building company operating in
  • Polish Absurd (II)

    The Lisbon Constitution was accepted by Poland’s parliament. This comes under the heading of absurd because of the storm in the teacup that preceded it: I’m hazy on the details but half-former pri
  • A modest proposal

    This Monkey has neither the time nor the inclination to follow up on Berlusconi’s latest gaffs. Given that we’re in an election, they’re bursting forth at an incredible rate. I could
  • The company you keep

    So far only Walter Veltroni of the Partito Democratico and Enrico Boselli of the Italian Socialist party have responded to the question posed by the authoratitive (and innovative) economics website La
  • Polish Absurd

    Too make a long story short, a bunch of Polish spies (or Military Counter Intelligence agents) on duty in Afghanistan put photographs of themselves with their full names on a popular website here call
  • the role of the public art gallery

    What should the role of the public art gallery be?

    The questioning of the role of the public gallery is not a new phenomenon. It is something that has been argued over since its very conception, and the debate is ongoing.