Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • It's not the Senate, you know

    Tip of the hat to an indignant letter writer – the Italian equivalent of ‘digusted, of Tunbridge Wells’- spurred into action to write to La Repubblica having viewed the ‘specta
  • It’s not the Senate, you know

    Tip of the hat to an indignant letter writer – the Italian equivalent of ‘digusted, of Tunbridge Wells’- spurred into action to write to La Repubblica having viewed the ‘specta
  • Unions

    Trade union membership in this country which owes its existence to trade unions is 14% of workers. Nie has a cover story this week about Solidarity’s disgraceful behaviour during the recent miners�
  • Macaronic McCarthy

    Or a fragmentary synopsis of Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian, or the Evening Redness in the West derived from some of the English and Spanish words I had to look up:bistre; chine; tang; jornada
  • Who will Carlo vote for?

    Spare a thought for my friend Carlo. Like many who lean left, last week he was hit by a a profound depression watching the deja-vu muppetry of Prodi’s government disintegrating. Carlo’s be
  • It’s the ecology, stupid

    Poles are slowly realising that plastic bags are an unsightly, long-lasting non-biodegradable blot on the landscape – no, sorry. They’re realising that a cheap PR buck can be made by prete
  • Don’t Try This At Home

    When untrained amateurs try to do it, we call it “pulling a face.” But when executed by professionals, it’s simply…acting, dear boy.
  • On Mastella's resgnation speech

    Last week the Justice minister Clemente Mastella gave a teary-eyed speech of resignation to the parliament, upon learning that he, his wife, and most of their political party – the UDEUR –
  • On Mastella’s resgnation speech

    Last week the Justice minister Clemente Mastella gave a teary-eyed speech of resignation to the parliament, upon learning that he, his wife, and most of their political party – the UDEUR –