Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine

Kurt Cobain on identity (and his Irish roots) - videos

Kurt Cobain – or rather an animated version of Cobain, in one of his last interviews, where he discusses lots of things including his identity and Irish roots!

Kurt Cobain was Irish - it's official! Or at least he had Irish roots (and let's face it, who doesn't!), according to this interview, animated brilliantly by the geniuses at Blank on Blank, that he gave legendary rock journalist Jon Savage on July 22, 1993 (Cobain was found dead in April 1994)

Aside from the Irish Roots, Nirvana's frontman Cobain talked about the effect of his parents' divorce, how he liked and listened to bands like Aerosmith and Led Zeppelin, for their melodies, he came to realise that so much of their work was based on sexism. It's wonderful (and sad, given his early passing) to hear Cobain speak clearly on the oppression of women, and the role of popular music in this.

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